Revit Families for Curtain Walls and Doors: Download, Ask, Share, and Learn

2023-03-31 04:50:19 By : Ms. Sally xie
construction, revit families, BIM, architecture, design, facade systems, energy efficiency, sustainability

As our built environment becomes ever more complex, the need for digital tools to aid in design and construction has become increasingly evident. Building Information Modeling, or BIM, has emerged as the go-to method for creating accurate and detailed digital models of buildings, providing architects, engineers, and contractors with a wealth of information about a project before ground is broken. One of the most important components of any building envelope is the curtain wall, a system of glazed panels and metal framing that provides the outer layer of many modern high-rise buildings. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using BIM to design and construct curtain walls and how Revit families can help streamline the process. | Curtain Wall and Curtian Doors

Why Curtain Walls?

Curtain walls have become a ubiquitous feature of modern architecture, providing designers with the ability to create sleek, visually striking facades that maximize natural light and offer unobstructed views. But beyond their aesthetic appeal, curtain walls offer several key performance benefits, including:

Energy Efficiency: By minimizing heat loss and maximizing natural daylight, curtain walls can help improve a building's energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint.

Durability: Curtain walls are designed to withstand the rigors of wind, rain, and temperature fluctuations, providing long-lasting protection from the elements.

Versatility: Because they are typically composed of modular components, curtain walls can be easily customized for different building types and applications.

Designing and Implementing Curtain Walls in BIM

BIM provides designers and builders with a powerful tool for creating accurate, detailed digital models of curtain wall systems. By using BIM software like Revit, designers can create detailed 3D models of their curtain walls that include information about materials, performance characteristics, and installation requirements. This information can then be used by contractors to plan the installation process and by building owners to assess the energy efficiency and sustainability of their building envelope.

Using Revit Families for Curtain Walls

Revit is a powerful tool for creating custom curtain walls that can be incorporated into a BIM model. With Revit families, designers can create detailed models of curtain wall systems that include information about materials, performance characteristics, and installation requirements. These models can then be shared with other members of the design team, speeding up the design process and ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page.

In addition to saving time and streamlining the design process, Revit families can also help ensure the accuracy of the final model. Because each component of the curtain wall is represented in the model, designers can identify potential conflicts or issues early on and address them before construction begins.


As the use of BIM becomes increasingly prevalent in the construction industry, more and more architects and designers are turning to digital tools like Revit to aid in the design and implementation of curtain wall systems. By creating detailed 3D models that include information about materials, performance characteristics, and installation requirements, designers can ensure the accuracy and efficiency of their designs while also maximizing the energy efficiency and sustainability of the building envelope. If you're interested in learning more about designing and implementing curtain walls with BIM and Revit families, be sure to check out the resources available on sites like